By Melissa M. Trumbull, Industry Relations Manager, NAEMT
On Thursday, May 22, the U.S. Senate, led by Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.), Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) and Sen. Tim Johnson (D-S.D) honored our nation’s EMS practitioners during EMS Week by introducing the S.2400 Field EMS Innovation Act (Field EMS Bill) in the Senate. This bill is the companion to the Field EMS Bill introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives on February 26, 2013, as H.R. 809 by Congressman Larry Bucshon (R-Ind.).
The Field EMS Bill addresses many of the challenges EMS systems face while trying to fulfill public expectations that all who need EMS can depend upon the highest quality of care and transport to the most appropriate clinical setting. This is the first bill to seriously look at EMS issues since the 1960s, the act would improve access to essential and life-saving EMS services and better integrate EMS within the larger health care system. Regardless of the model of EMS care delivery – whether governmental, nonprofit, private or volunteer – all EMS providers fulfill an essential public function for all patients in need. This function is carried out to the best of their ability and in spite of limited resources. The Field EMS Bill puts patients first by promoting high quality and evidence-based care for all patients in need of emergency medical care.
To view the full press release, visit the NAEMT web site at To view the latest information about the Field EMS Bill, visit here.
As NAEMT President Don Lundy states “advocacy is a marathon not a sprint”, and we are surely moving closer and closer to the finish line because of your help.
The Professional Ambulance Association of Wisconsin signed on early to support the Field EMS Bill.