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Rural Health Creates Community Paramedicine Forum

Tuesday, April 14, 2015 4:37 PM | PAAW Administrator (Administrator)
By Kevin Jacobson, Wisconsin Office of Rural Health

The Wisconsin Office of Rural Health has been a strong supporter of Community Paramedic programs, or Mobile Integrated Healthcare, in the State. 

We thought it would be beneficial to have a forum where those working on CP program development and implementation had a place to share their progress and ask questions of each other.  We feel it’s also important for those new to the concept or just beginning to explore these programs, to have a place to find out more information.  With that in mind, we have created the Community Paramedic Listserv.  We hope this will fill a need in Wisconsin.  Our Office will host the list, but its members will create the content. 

You are welcome to subscribe by navigating to this website:  where you’ll enter your name and email address.  You’ll receive a confirmation email after you subscribe.

In addition, PAAW President Patrick Ryan hosts a conference call every other Friday for those interested in mapping out and discussing Community Paramedicine in more detail and to share information.  Contact Patrick directly for more information at email

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