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State reprimands Curtis Ambulance in fatal kickboxing bout

Monday, April 20, 2015 8:14 AM | PAAW Administrator (Administrator)
Regulators have taken the rare step of issuing a letter of reprimand against Curtis Ambulance for failing to follow a state rule the night Dennis Munson Jr. died in his debut kickboxing bout in Milwaukee.

Curtis did not file a special event plan with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services for the March 2014 kickboxing event the company was hired to staff at the Eagles Club. State rules require an ambulance service to file such plans under certain circumstances to alert emergency response authorities of the event.

The state reprimand letter does not comment on the care the Curtis crew provided to Munson. But in response to a reporter's question, the department said it looked into all aspects of how Curtis handled the call and found the care was appropriate.

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