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Governor Walker signs EMT language change bill

Wednesday, June 21, 2017 8:14 AM | PAAW Administrator (Administrator)
On June 21, Governor Scott Walker signed Bill AB 59 regarding EMT language changes.

This bill changes the terminology
for emergency medical technicians. The term “first responder" changes to “emergency medical responder." The term “emergency medical technician — basic" changes to “emergency medical technician." The term 
“emergency medical technician — intermediate" does not change. The term “advanced emergency medical technician” is added to reflect the level currently in the Department of Health Services rules known as “emergency medical technician — intermediate technician.” The term “emergency medical technician — paramedic" changes to “paramedic." The term “emergency medical technician" currently refers collectively to emergency medical technicians — basic, emergency medical 
technicians — intermediate, and emergency medical technicians — paramedic, and that term changes to “emergency medical services practitioner" under the bill and includes advanced emergency medical technicians.

At the invitation of the Governor, Baraboo District Ambulance Chief and PAAW Board of Directors member Dana Sechler, third from the left in the photo insert, represented PAAW at the bill's signing ceremony.

>> Click to read bill AB 59.

There are several other EMS bills currently being reviewed and considered at the State Capitol, to include flexible staffing, changing license renewals from two to every three years, and community paramedicine to name a few.  A lot of the recent legislative activity is due in part to last year's work by the Legislative Study Committee on Volunteer Firefighter and EMT Shortages, which led to bill recommendations by the Joint Legislative Council.

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