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teachable moment

Wednesday, July 19, 2017 7:43 AM | PAAW Administrator (Administrator)

Standby for Tones Blog

It’s hot, and she’s not dressed for it. Sweatshirt and sweatpants, tee shirt and socks with laced up tennies. She’s currently sitting in the rear of a squad car, guzzling on a bottle of Sprite that is sweating only slightly less than she is.

Passersby found her, she was down on the ground and it was pretty clear she’d fallen. Someone helped her up, but then she fell again. So they called it in, the nice officer who responded scoped out the clothing situation and her speech, and activated EMS non-emergent. Now we’re here, and I lead my student across the street from our parking spot towards the black and white. My partner updates MedComm that we are on location, and brings up the rear. On this initial evaluation we’ve got the cardiac monitor. The bag is feet away should we need anything.

The lady was assisted out of her sweatshirt by the officer prior to our arrival. Pink and white camouflage, it’s more at home in a rural environment than here in the city but I guess you never know where people hail from originally. Little bits of home from all over converge in any metropolis, and you get what you get. The only constant is that the kaleidoscope keeps moving, the bits and pieces keep on tumbling.

>> Click to read more of the story...

"Standby for Tones" is a blog written by Crystal Wallin, a La Crosse paramedic.  Her stories, written from real life events, bring to light the human experience in having an EMS career and work life. 

>> Click to read Crystal's blog.

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