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Join Wisconsin EMS Day on November 1st at the State Capitol

Tuesday, September 19, 2017 8:25 PM | PAAW Administrator (Administrator)

State Capitol - Madison

Over the past several years, bills have been written and passed by the Wisconsin Legislature that affect EMS--with little to no input from the EMS providers and stakeholders.  Legislators want to help EMS, but unfortunately, the recent bills feel like short-term solutions to the perceived problems.  Our elected officials need to hear from us on how to create sustainable change for EMS.  

Let’s go to the Capital together to meet our representatives, so they will hear in our own words what needs to be done to provide high quality EMS in the State of Wisconsin! All four of our Associations have come together to build bridges with our Representatives and Senators, because now is the time to act.  We’re wearing our uniforms and presenting a unified message about EMS.

Join us for EMS Day on November 1st.  Let’s show up in a sea of uniforms, visit our legislators, and explain what we do and what we need.  There are over 16,000 of us in Wisconsin - if a fraction of that showed up at the Capital, it would be a movement that they couldn’t ignore.  

This is a critical time for EMS.  Volunteerism is down, levy limits and dwindling reimbursements are affecting funding to EMS, and services are struggling to keep ambulances staffed and their doors open.  It’s time to stand up and speak out for our needs.  Let’s talk with legislators about:

  • Tax incentives to recruit and retain volunteers
  • Lifting levy limits for EMS services
  • Reducing unnecessary calls through use of Community Paramedics and Community EMT's

Join us on Wednesday, November 1st, at 10 am, in Madison’s Central Library for EMS Day at the Capital.  The Associations representing Wisconsin EMS are united in holding this event. The Professional Ambulance Association of WI (PAAW), the Professional Fire Fighters of WI (PFFW), the WI EMS Association (WEMSA), and the WI State Fire Chiefs Association (WSFCA) will all be there--and we invite you to come stand alongside us. 

Register now (Click here), so we know how many EMS providers are coming to participate, and can provide a box lunch for everyone.  Bring someone with you. Carpool to the Capital.  Let’s show the legislators what EMS means to Wisconsin.

We’ll see you there.

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