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Wisconsin EMS Day at the State Capitol is Nov. 1

Thursday, October 05, 2017 7:24 AM | PAAW Administrator (Administrator)

Next EMS Live in Wisconsin Podcast

EMS Live in Wisconsin Podcast
Wisconsin EMS Day Plans at the State Capitol Nov. 1

Special podcast reviewed EMS Day plans and talking points

>> To listen to this podcast, go to

On Friday, October 6, PAAW completed a special podcast to discuss the upcoming Wisconsin EMS Day at the State Capitol in Madison on November 1.  Our guests included Wisconsin Office of Rural Health Executive Director John Eich, Baraboo EMS Chief Dana Sechler and Ryan Brothers President and PAAW President Patrick Ryan.  The program was hosted by PAAW Executive Director Joe Covelli.

According to Covelli, "EMS providers don't get involved in their local ambulance service to lobby their local legislators.  However, EMS does a great job sharing stories about what they do and the pride they have in taking care of patients.  Those messages can translate into action by state government.  Legislators want to help local EMS, but they need input.  They need to hear from their constituents.  Wisconsin EMS Day offers that platform".

John, Dana and many others have been instrumental in organizing Wisconsin EMS Day.  The podcast offered insight into the day's plans and how you can be involved.

This is a critical time for EMS.  Volunteerism is down, levy limits and dwindling reimbursements are affecting funding to EMS, and services are struggling to keep ambulances staffed and their doors open.  The goal on November 1 is to talk with legislators about:

  • Tax incentives to recruit and retain volunteers
  • Lifting levy limits for EMS services
  • Reducing unnecessary calls through use of Community Paramedics and Community EMT's

Join the group on Wednesday, November 1st, at 9 am, in Madison’s Central Library for EMS Day at the Capitol. The Associations representing Wisconsin EMS are united in holding this event. The Professional Ambulance Association of WI, the Professional Fire Fighters of WI, the WI EMS Association, and the WI State Fire Chiefs Association will all be there--and we invite you to come stand alongside them.  

Register now (Click here), so we know how many EMS providers are coming to participate, and can provide a box lunch for everyone.  Let’s show the legislators what EMS means to Wisconsin.

Wisconsin EMS Day Agenda - November 1

10:00 am   Welcome  (Partner Panel) - History, goals for today, key talking points and bills

10:30 am   Legislative speaker panel - Sen Nass, Rep Kremer, Rep Shankland, Rep Loudenbeck all invited

11:00 am Lobbying 101, what it looks like, what to expect

11:20 am Lobbying Packet Review

11:40 am The Legislative “Asks”

12:00 pm Lunch served and walk to Capitol building for visits

Wisconsin EMS Day State Capitol HQ, 2nd floor North Hearing Room. Water and snacks available, drop off feedback and requests for follow-up.

>> To listen to this podcast, go to

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