EMS LIVE in Wisconsin is getting a fresh look, and a new name!
Starting now, you can search for EMS in Wisconsin Podcast in iTunes and Stitcher to listen to our podcast on your mobile device or computer. You will also have the option to subscribe to the show, which means you will be automatically alerted when a new episode is available. Of course, you can also find the podcast on our website (www.paaw.us) along with other valuable information and resources.
Our most recent episode (January 23rd) is already available, and the next episode is scheduled to post on Tuesday, February 20th.
The next episode will feature Scott Moore, Esq., AAA Operations & HR Consultant. We will discuss employee incentive programs: what are they, which ones work, and what might leave you scrambling.
Future topics include: EMS re-licensing update from the State of Wisconsin EMS Office, What EMS educators want their teams to know, current research in EMS, the challenge of managing former peers, and quality assurance programs.
We look forward to bringing you all the best in EMS from Wisconsin!