Natasha Sager, Orange Cross Ambulance's Supply and Logistics Officer, brings a unique background in the hospitality industry to her role, demonstrating an exceptional ability to adapt and excel. Despite her non-EMS background, Natasha quickly proved herself as a quick study and an effective EMT at Orange Cross. Her quiet and calm demeanor is complemented by her remarkable initiative and ability to get things done efficiently. Natasha swiftly mastered the complexities of supply chain management, initially serving as a supply specialist before being promoted to her current role. As the Supply and Logistics Officer, she oversees OCA's inventory, ordering, new medical device and disposables rollouts, and ensures that all stations and ambulances are consistently stocked and ready to respond.
Recently, Natasha spearheaded OCA's participation in the state-funded Narcotics Leave Behind Program, aimed at reducing overdose deaths through the distribution of NARCANĀ® and fentanyl test strips. Natasha's initiative, dedication, and effective leadership continue to be invaluable assets to Orange Cross Ambulance.
Congratulations from the Professional Ambulance Association of Wisconsin on receiving the 2024 WI Star of Life Award!